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Physical activities


Project framework

Palermo, 9-11/4/2024

Leading organization of the activity is Liceo Scientifico Statale Benedetto Croce (Italy). The actιvity, as it was described in our application form, was held both in virtual and physical ways:

  • Project background-Roadmap-Risk management-Roles & responsibilities 

  • Project scope overview and Next steps

  • Signing of the consortium agreement


Responsible consumption and production

Nafpaktos, 3-6/9/2024

As young people are an important target group on the demand-side in this consumer society, we examined a lot of aspects around consumption as a process, consisting of three phases: acquisition, use, and disposal of products. As their nightlife activities also create a wide range of health and social problems, alcohol consumption was a topic of this activity.
Last but not least, they were called to wonder which would be the most important challenges around food and health for the future and how sustainable production and responsible consumption could help to solve those equipping students for their dominant role in future consumption patterns and production strategies.


Why is water and sanitation important for health?

Belgrade, 22-25/10/2024

Planned activities were divided into:
1) STEM ACTIVITIES to the microbiology, organic and analytical chemistry, and food technology laboratories
2)STEM OUTDOOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES: work in the field, case study, discussions
4) Personal WATER FOOTPRINT calculation
so to analyze lots of topics our SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation) and its role for health and wellbeing.

Health and Well-being

Vranov nad Topl'ou, 3-6/12/2024

The activities were divided into two main areas:

1. healthy eating and popular diets,

2. Mental well-being and nutrition focusing on the foods and drinks available and/or provided by the school canteen. Activities outside of school to improve mental well-being

3. Workshop with a psychologist, psychiatrist, nutritionist

4. Preparation of a weekly school canteen menu
as well as suggestions for snacks and drinks based on a well-balanced diet

5. Creation of a map depicting the possibilities of
outdoor activities in each area.
so to help students realize the importance of quality nutrition (specialization), strengthen digital literacy (searching for information on the internet) and tackling misinformation and fake news  (questionnaire targeting what students think about searching for false information), seek and propose solutions (providing recommendations for the school canteen,
refreshment center) and, last but not least, explore possibilities in outdoor spaces in order to suggest to young people ways
of finding a balance between mental and physical demands.

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