Supporting Mental Health
Promoting Health Education
Encouraging Active Lifestyles
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Gymnázium Cyrila Daxnera
Gymnázium Cyrila Daxnera is a secondary grammar school. It has existed since 1952 and provides a four-year course of
general education for further studies at universities or other forms of higher education. The curriculum corresponds with the
national standards, which includes mother tongue and literature (Slovak), foreign languages (English, German, Russian) on
level B2 of the Common European Framework, sciences (humanities and natural sciences), IT, PE. After leaving school (passing the written and oral maturita exams), students continue in their studies at universities (the number of students who do so exceeds 90%). The school also does a lot of volunteering (partnership with disabled children school in town, hospitals - children's ward, blood donations, raising money for charities and charitable events), students parliament with the students board who organize activities for students, parents and the public.
Hemijsko-prehrambena tehnoloska skola
Hemijsko-prehrambena tehnološka škola is a secondary vocational school founded in 1957. It is located in the territory of the city of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.
The classes are organised in three separate buildings. There are two educational fields covered within our school, one is Chemistry, non-metals and printing and the other Agriculture, production and processing of food. From its foundation up to now, the school has been trying to adapt to the labour market needs and has been participating in educational reforms. The
school has a successful cooperation with several European companies,e.g. “Delhaize Group ''. For our students, we organise practical classes at our social partners’ companies throughout the school year. From the beginning of Erasmus+ calls availability in Serbia, our school has been participating in different other calls:Academy of
Central European Schools (ACES), Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), CARDS, IPA 2011, Open Discovery Space(ODS), eTwinning.
EPAL Nafpaktou provides initial professional education & training to secondary school students in the following areas/specialties:
1. Food and Environment Agriculture: Food and Beverage Technologists
2.Electrical, Electronics & Automation: Electricians, Electronics
3.Mechanical Engineering: Technical Vehicles, Refrigeration-Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, Plumbing
4. Finance & Administration: Administration & Economy
5. Information Technology: Tech. PC and PC Networks
6. Health Care & Wellness: Nursing, Aesthetics, Hairdressing
It also provides a post-secondary course of study, booking jobs and providing laboratory courses/supervision for graduates who wish to attend the Post-Secondary Year- Apprenticeship Class.
Usual activities:
a) implementation of national and European programs
b) actions as an eTwinning school, ambassador school of the European Parliament and member of the ASPNET network
c) operation of groups
d) awareness campaigns/events
e) synergies with local stakeholders
Liceo Scientifico Statale Benedetto Croce
“Liceo Statale Benedetto Croce” is a State secondary school specialising in scientific subjects. There are 1,500 students coming from various areas of the town and from the surrounding villages. The students of this school generally go on to university and succeed in getting into scientific branches, but many of them also choose to move to social studies. The main
aim of the school is to prepare the students for a successful university or working career by encouraging them to gain selfconfidence, to use the English language and modern technologies effectively, to think systematically, to increase the
awareness of their own interests and capabilities, to bring out their personal features and to advise them about the appropriate faculties and institutions according to their choice of occupation. They would like to spread these ideas in the European dimension
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