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The topic of the project has a triple implication, namely a) dimensions of health, b) the role of nutrition in both health and well-being but also environmental sustainability development and c) the tackling of spread of online disinformation and
misinformation in order to ensure that teenagers around Europe don't put their health into risk, while following all that they read.
We aspire to:
-develop scientific reflection on different health dimensions and appraise the importance of a sustainable balanced diet during adolescence in the human and environmental health
-integrate and enhance the curriculum, so as to fulfil our roles as educators in achieving the dictates of the 2030 Agenda (focusing mostly on SDG 2, 3,4,6,12).
-improve the students’ health and media literacy by interpreting the incoming disinformation and misinformation

Thus, on the one hand this project aims as a horizontal priority the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change. On the other hand, it prioritizes the active citizens of tomorrow, the development of digital resilience, readiness and capacity.


Our major concrete objectives:
-Determine dimensions of healthy/unhealthy behaviors around food and promote health and well-being to our schools and local communities
-Raise awareness of the need of a healthy planet, securing the health of both humans and environment
-Equip students with the appropriate 7Cs skills for their academic achievements and future life
-Improve students' basic skills and knowledge of various topics related to nutrition so to avoid disinformation
-Equip teachers and students with digital competences so to produce digital resources and content that will be adapted in school curricula
-Analyze the evidence about the effectiveness of school interventions upon food, nutrition and health, related directly to the environmental outcomes

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